Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What a game. With a patched up defence, I never thought we would keep a clean sheet. Brown was superb, playing in the middle alongside Heinze. He's had his critics this season, but he has proved in the last couple of weeks that he deserves to be in the squad. He's not as good as Ferdinand or Vidic, but he's a United player for sure.

Scholes' flick for Rooney's first goal was sublime. You just know that if he was still playing for England, they'd be no look-in for Frank Lampard. I saw some rubbish recently that Scholes retired because he was scared of Lampard. Lampard isn't half the player the Paul Scholes is.
Rooney's second goal was sheer class in it's own way too. I was sure that Giggs was going to take the ball into the corner, but he took the defenders away instead and then when Rooney hit it first time, I flew off the bed and nearly took myself out on the radiator! Still, no-one ever said being a football supporter was easy.

Kaka was outstanding for Milan. It's just a pity that we saw some more cynical challeges later in the game from players like Bonera.

I'm sure we will go to Milan and score, and hopefully we will be in Athens in 4 weeks (and hopefully playing the Scousers).

Anyway, roll on next Wednesday.

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