Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm seriously thinking about taking up smoking.


Because it's being recommended that smokers get paid leave to let them attend therapy to help them quit. So this will get paid for by the NHS, and I will also support them through my NI payments. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a card-carrying member of the Labour Party and a Socialist, but this seems more than a little wrong. Smokers have exercised their freewill to smoke. I fully support any smoker who wants to quit, but there are better, and more deserving causes than people who toke on Cancersticks everyday.

In the same vein, who are Alcohol Concern to tell us that no child under the age of 15 should be allowed to drink alcohol? Granted, they shouldn't be drinking much, but a little wine / beer with a meal now and again shouldn't be a problem, and certainly shouldn't be made illegal. The French let their kids drink and it doesn't cause a problem. Alcohol was available to me and all my siblings, and never caused a problem for any of us.

This is just another example of the PC Brigade sticking it's nose in where it isn't needed and finding something else to bleat about. Enough is enough.

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