Wednesday, April 18, 2007

OK, so I'm not a food critic, but I can really recomend you never, ever, visit this place.

When I visit a Tapas Bar (or any kind of restaurant), the music that is played should definitely be in the background. Sadly, this wasn't the case here. The music was so loud that even on a table of 4, we had to shout to be heard.

On top of that, we sat next to the DJ booth. Not a problem normally, but the jerk in the booth insisted on smoking throughout our meal, so everything came with that nicotine after-taste. In the end, I had to ask him to stop smoking around us.

Now, on to the food. We ordered 6 dishes and a side order of bread. The bread was massively over-priced. Five pieces of sandwich baguette cost £2. In the same vein, the meatballs were also over-priced. Three meatballs cost £5, and they weren't large. The garlic prawns were tasteless. The chorizo weren't chorizo but chipolattas. The seafood paella was made with a cheap version of Batchelor's Savoury Rice. The potato wedges were a cheap product that was under-cooked and the creamy, spicy dip which it came with was mayonaise with a hint of jalapeno pepper stuffed in to try and give it some kick! Finally, we got a chicken and ham salad, which I can't say I have ever seen on a tapas menu before and certainly didn't fit with the idea of small dishes. The main feature of the salad was lettuce, with some reformed chicken and ham thrown in.

Considering these 6 dishes cost us £30, I really was seriously underwhelmed with the whole experience. I've written to Fusion to complain, and I'll update you when I've had a reply.

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