Sunday, May 06, 2007

We've got our trophy back, we've got our trophy back.

You can stick your Champions League up your arse.

We are Premier League Champions again. That's 9 times in 14 seasons. Given the amount of money Chavski have thrown at players over the last few yeas, it's a great win.

I'm made up, and I hope we beat them at Wembley, like we did in 1994, to win the Double. That will make it all the more sweeter.

Ronaldo has been a different class this year, and I have to mention the performances from Giggs and Scholes in midfield, but for me, the player that made the difference was Vidic. He's huge and gave the defence so much stability.

With a little luck, Sir Alex will add some depth to the squad next season. I'd love to see a left back come in. I think Bardsley deserves a crack at right back, and Kieran Lee is coming through. I think Heinze is immense, but is better at centre back after his injury, providing competition with Ferdinand and Vidic.

I hope we get Hargreaves and Nani, and a decent striker. I'd love to retain this trophy next season.

Seriously made up.

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