Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm never moving again after this time. I've got a headache from the stress of selling. My buyer is wanting to come and measure up, but he's not even signed the damn contract yet. This whole process has been a pain in the arse from start to finish. Let me tell you, you know whether you love somebody or not if you are prepared to sell your house for them!

I've spoken to the Estate Agents, who tells me that he wants to come tomorrow and measure up. He also wants £2k off the asking price because the surveyor reckoned it was over-valued. Sure, the surveyor also reckoned that the chimney breast needed supporting properly and that the chimney stack needed repairing. So, I'm paying for the chimney stack to be repaired, and a structural engineer looked at the chimney breast and reckoned there was nothing wrong with it, so how does that equate to a reduction in price?

On a more positive note, I took George to see Hull City play Preston at the weekend. Considering he is only five, he really got into it. City were unlucky not to win the game. As a neutral, I really wasn't impressed by Preston. I can't see them even getting past Leeds in the play-offs. God help them if they got promoted to the Premiership. They won't last five minutes and will come down with fewer points that Sunderland got this season! Anyway, George led the DeVries family stand in cheering. There were so many sullen faces around the stand it was untrue.

On the way back, we passed the cemetery. George asked me whether I believe in Jesus. I answered that I didn't and was rewarded with "Why not?". How do you explain relative theology to a five year old?

Band last night was more enjoyable. The band are making steady progress with Harmony Music and I've every confidence that we can get a good result. There will be some other bands there who are capable of doing well, especially Newstead Welfare and Jaguar (Coventry) who did really well at the recent Midlands Area Finals (coming 1st and 2nd) and Wingates who came 4th in the North West Area Finals against a very strong field, but I think we will surprise a lot of people and I'll be disappointed if we don't get back into the Grand Shield next year. Apparently, we will be going to the Leicester contest in the middle of November which will be strange since it is held at Guthlaxton College which is my dad's old school.

Speaking of my dad, he ran the London Marathon yesterday in a little over 5 hours. We're all very proud of him, especially George who has been telling people that he is going to win it.

On a sporting note, I see that the Habs won their first playoff match against Carolina 6-1. What a a great start. Most of the other series' have been levelled at 1-1 in the the second game so here's hoping that we don't go the same way tonight. The Yankees did well though over the weekend, winning 2 out of 3 against Baltimore (who are top of the AL East). Maybe the Bronx Bombers are kicking into life? I certainly hope so as I need something to cheer me up over the summer, with United's season effectively finishing in February (OK, so one cup is better than no cup at all.).

I can't believe West Ham will be in Europe next season. They need to spend some serious money if they want to progress. I was really surprised to hear that they beat Boro, as Boro are a far better team. Maybe it was a case on one eye on Europe?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

No posts in two months and then two in a day. I've just re-read some of my early posts, and I think I better tidy a few loose ends up.

I'm delighted that the Habs have made the post-season. It's looked like they would for the last couple of weeks, especially when they were winning games. For a while, I thought that they may be unlucky and end up meeting the Ottawa Senators in the first round, but we'll meet the Carolina Hurricanes instead. I've every confidence that the Habs will win, albeit in 7 games.

Speaking of form, I'm pleased with the form that United have shown in recent weeks, even if they couldn't beat Sunderland on Good Friday. They've started to show some of the character of former teams, and with a couple of good signings during the summer, I'm sure we will be challenging for the Premiership next season. I can't see Ruud Van Nistelrooy leaving Old Trafford in the summer. He's a class act, and I think we will only be successful with 4 strikers in the squad. With Solskjaer coming back from injury and Rossi in the wings, I think we have more than enough class up front, although who would turn down a fit Ronaldo from Real Madrid. Personally, I'd like to see us sign a couple of midfielders. I like Riquelme, who's with Villarreal at the moment, Nolan (Bolton) and Makelele and Joe Cole (Chelsea). I'm only hoping that Sir Alex Ferguson shows some of his flare in the transfer market and that we don't end up going after dross (like Djemba-Djemba or Kleberson). I'd love to be at the Roy Keane testimonial, but sadly, it's the week before the Senior Cup and I'll be at band almost every night that week, so I think I'll spend my night off with Sarah and George rather than 70,000 people at Old Trafford.

What has been disappointing is the Yankee's start to the season. To be 7-7 after 14 games, having lost series' to Oakland, Los Angeles and Minnesota is not how a lot of Bombers fans had envisaged it, I'm sure, especially with Damon arriving in Centrefield. He's only hitting 0.293.
I'm sure things will improve, but we need to at least make the AL Championship final this year.

On a banding note, since the concert in Wigan, I played a concert with the Northern All Stars at the Sage Theatre in Gateshead. What a concert that was. There was a very receptive audience, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The highlights for me had to be Joe Cook's solo (Czardas) and Gregson's "The Age of Kings". I've been asked to be a member of the band again next year, and provisionally I've said yes, as long as EYMS don't have a concert on that night. EYMS have also played two concerts; one at the New Albermarle Centre in Hull where I thought we played well, apart from a few small slips, and one at Wakefield Cathederal, where we played well, even if the band sounded a little tired. Our next concert isn't until the 27th May when we are playing at the Plowright Theatre in Scunthorpe. We also have a CD recording coming up (even though our last CD isn't out yet!) and I'm playing at the Whit Friday marches with Haiwaiian Brass.

I'm also working on some more arrangements. I gave Jim Davies (our MD) a few scores to look at and hopefully one or two will make it into the EYMS concert programme. One of my arrangements (a version of Noel Rawsthorne's wonderful Hornpipe Humoresque) was played last October by the band. Some of the other pieces include "Ben Hur's Chariot Race" (Paull), "Prelude" (JS Bach), "Three Little Maids" (Sullivan) (this is a bass trio) "Deus in Adetoreum" (Monteverdi) and "El Diablo" (Cezar). Fingers crossed eh!
Well, I've done it again, I guess. 2 and a half months without writing anything. Now, write out 1000 times, I must update my blog.
OK, punishment over. Let's bring the last few weeks up-to-date.....

I've agreed to sell the house, for nearly the asking price. Actually, the sale agreed weeks ago, but with one thing and another, it's taken it's time. Hopefully though, I should be out of there in a little over two weeks. Sarah's house has also gone on the market, so with a little bit of luck, we could be buying somewhere by the summer. We've seen a couple of houses which we like, but neither of which was "the one". We'll keep looking though, and I'm sure we will find the right house.
That said, it's amazing what some people are asking for their homes. I saw one property the other week which I reckon was £20k over the asking price. It does make you think.

The band played at the North of England Area Finals in the middle of march. We played very, very well on the stage and came 3rd. Sadly, this means that we miss out on a place at the National Finals, which was very disappointing. There were a lot of people in the hall who thought we should have finished higher up the placings, but that's competitions for you. We're now looking forward to the Spring Festival and the Senior Cup in Blackpool on 13th May. Hopefully we can finish in the top 4 and get promoted back to the Grand Shield for 2007. The test-piece is Harmony Music, which isn't easy. It will certainly sort the wheat from the chaff.

I spent a large part of March on the road with work. The end of March sees the end of our Financial Year, and so I was busy with stocktakes. I covered about 3500 miles in 3 weeks, covering sites from Millerhill and Portabello near Edinburgh down to Westbury in Wiltshire and Eastleigh on the South Coast. I did see some fantastic scenary. I'd forgotten just how beautiful some parts of our country can be. That said, I was happy to hand the car keys back at the end of it all. I'll be starting my travels again in the middle of next month.... I can't wait!!