I watched the end of this programme last night, and caught the piece about poor little Cerys Edwards. Words can't describe the anger I felt / feel towards Antonio Boparan and his parents. Here is a spoilt little rich boy, driving his mummy's Range Rover at over twice the speed limit (71mph+ in a 30mph zone). He overtakes a car on the wrong side of the road and ploughs into an oncoming car which Cerys Edwards was travelling in.
That she is still alive is a testament to her parent's perseverance. That Boparan received a 21 month sentence and was out in 6 is a testament to the stupidity of the judge and the British legal system.
He has taken a life, in all but deed, and should have paid a far more severe price. On top of that, there has been precious little financial support for the Edwards family from this family of multi-millionaires (daddy owns Harry Ramsdens).
Boparan sat on TV an acted contritely for the cameras. Do I believe for a minute that he feels sorry, or that he has learnt from this? Not for a second. Do I believe that when he gets his licence back, he won't speed again. Ha!
Jack Straw increased the maximum sentence to 5 years for people, like Boparan, who cause serious injury when speeding. That isn't enough. They should have their licences revoked, permanently. There should be no second chances here. Cerys Edwards won't get a second chance, and neither will the people killed every year on British roads because of reckless speeding.
Don't even start me on the "I'm a good driver, I've never had a crash" crap. Simple physics says that if you travel faster, you take longer to stop.
What can we do? We can petition our MP, calling for stricter sentences for drivers who cause serious injuries as a result of speeding and we can boycott Harry Ramsden's products.
A tragedy like this happening once is just that, a tragedy. When it happens a second time, it's a crime that we are all complicit in.
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