Saturday, January 21, 2006

Well, the house is on the market, and I've had 3 viewings and 1 offer so far. I've not sold it yet, but it really is a strange feeling to be trying to sell something that you've put so much time and effort in to. The first offer wasn't anywhere near enough.

I have to admit that I find this way of doing business a little strange. I mean, I ask for a certain price and then someone else offers 5% below the asking price. I didn't take too long to think about my answer.

Anyway, I'm still gutted about last weekend's results. Firstly, the Redskins got eliminated from the play-offs by Seattle. Still, at least we are getting stronger season by season and maybe next year Joe Gibbs can take us to the Championship game. More importantly though, I can't believe that United lost to City, and Ronaldo got sent off! I just hope we can restore some pride by beating Liverpool tomorrow. Although Ferguson strengthened the defence, it still didn't look stable against City.

The band played a concert over in Wigan last Sunday night. We enjoyed it, although there were some silly little slips in places. However, I get the booby prize for forgetting my music. I can't believe I did it, but there we go. I was rushing to get my stuff on the bus and forgot that the pad was on the front seat. Prize idiot! That said, I was rehearsing with the Northern All-Star Band at the Reg Vardy bandroom on Wednesday night. I must confess to looking forward to playing at the Sage on Sunday afternoon. The band sounds really good in places, albeit a little under-rehearsed. These are the kind of events that I play in a band for, so I'm going to make the most of it, even though it means a whole day banding, when it could be better spent with Sarah.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I can't belive my prophetic post. Within hours of writing about Charles Kennedy, he's resigned. I do feel for the guy, and I wish him well. I'd like to see Menzies Campbell replace him. Actually, I'm not really that bothered. I'm a card carrying member of the Labour Party and a Socialist.

Well, it's 4.30 in the morning, and I'm up to tidy up my house. I've got the Estate Agent coming to take photos in about 4 hours and I still need to get a few things straight. The things we do for love!?!

I'm over the moon that the Redskins managed to beat the Tampa Bay Bucs at the weekend. We've moved on to the Divisional playoffs where we'll meet the Seattle Seahawks. Can Joe Gibbs work his magic again? I certainly hope so. On top of that, the Habs managed to snap their 4 game losing streak by beating Ottawa 4-1. They've dropped out of the play-off spots but we're only half way through the season. The only down side was United failing to get past Burton Albion in the third round of the FA Cup. A 0-0 draw was not the best result, especially with players like Rooney, Ronaldo, Richardson and Saha making an apperance for at least some of the match. Still, I can't see anything but an United victory at Old Trafford next week. Then it's on to Wolves in the 4th round.

I can't believe that I've been on a mouse hunt at Sarah's. We first saw the mouse back in October, and it's been around ever since, succesfully avoiding traps and bait. At one level, I think the little bleeder has done enough to be allowed to live! I mean, if it can avoid everything that we've put out for it in the last 3 months, then maybe it should see another spring?

Talk about lucky! The fuel cap on my car (I've got an 11 year old Ford Escort) got jammed on Saturday night just as I was setting of for Hull. Try as I might I couldn't get the cap off, so I phoned my parents for help and my dad arranged to come up with some tools. Heading over the road to the recycling plant, I found four (yes, 4!) AA vans. Since business had dropped off, they were only too happy to help. Sadly, the outer part of the lock was broken, but what are the odds?

Band was better on Sunday night. At least we've managed to sort out the sectionals for the upcoming Area finals which should make life easier. I should point out that the brass band world is arranged into 8 Areas (Scotland, Wales, North of England, Yorkshire, North West, Midlands, London and Southern Counties and West of England). Each Area has 5 sections (Championship, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th). Every year bands in each Area come together and compete against each other by section. Generally, the winners and runners up go forward to represent the Area at the National Finals, which are held at the Royal Albert Hall in October (for Championship section bands) and Harrogate in September (for the rest of the bands). There is also a promotion / relegation system in place which averages results over 3 years. Since 2000, I've played for bands in the Championship section. Firstly, the Yorkshire Imperial Band (in the Yorkshire area), then the Ransome band (in the Midlands area) and now the East Yorkshire Motor Services band (in the North of England area). At the Area Final, each band in a section plays the same piece. This year, the Championship section test piece is called "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" by Peter Graham. It's hard work in places, although not as hard (in my opinion) as "Harmony Music" which is the test piece for the Senior Cup in May. Anyway, like I say, band was better, even if my hand hurt like mad because I'd been trying to change a toilet seat before I left Sarah's.

And finally.... I was sorry to read about the passing of Tony Banks. He seemed like a nice guy who was a good politician.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What's the deal with everyone having a pop at Charles Kennedy? Does it matter that he has admitted to having a drink problem? Surely the Liberal Democrats should be supporting him and praising him for having the courage to stand up and admit he is ill, rather than demanding that he steps down as leader.

OK, the guy is an alcoholic, but it is possible to beat this addiction. What kind of a message does this send out?

Friday, January 06, 2006

OK, New Year and I will do better at posting into my blog. It's been quite a hectic start to the year. Sarah and I took George for a walk at the White Horse (near Kilburn, North Yorkshire) on New Year's Day. It was cold and wet, but we walked up to the top of the hill and looked out onto the Vale of York.

I've wandered around the Railway Museum in York as well during the Festive season. You would have thought that someone who works for Network Rail would have tried to get as far away as possible from the railways when they're on holiday, but George really wanted to go, and who am I to refuse?

It was back to work on the 3rd January. Nothing has changed. We're straight back into period end and with the budgets due as well, it's been a fairly hectic time. I caught the United / Arsenal game on Sky on Tuesday night. I think it's a bit harsh to dismiss it as a bore-draw. Both sides lack something in comparison to Chelsea but they are still two of the best four teams in England at the moment. United should improve defensively with Vidic joining (and hopefully Evra too), so if we can just sort out the midfield, we will have a good / great side again.

On a sporting note, I'm over the moon that the Washington Redskins have made the post-season. I don't rate our chances at any more than 50-50 against Tampa on Saturday (that should be interesting, since the Glazers own Tampa as well as United!), but it's a major improvement on the last few seasons, especially winning 5 on the bounce at the end of the season to make the post-season.

The Montreal Canadiens seem to have slipped up of late. Things started so well at the start of the season, but another loss to New Jersey last night, and we have now lost 4 on the bounce. With a bit of luck we can turn things around.

Finally, I'm a little disappointed that the Yankees haven't added to the starting pitcher roster. I don't think Wright or Pavano are up to the job. Johnny Damon will add to our production, but we need another pitcher who can win us some games. The Big Unit and Mike Mussina should produce as should Chien-Ming Wang. I'm not convinced about Shawn Chacon but Dotel and Farnsworth add to the bullpen and who can argue with Rivera?

Anyway, back to the plot. I put my house on the market on 4th January with Your Move. It's on for £129,950. The fees that some of the agents wanted were crazy. Why should I give some one nearly £3k to sell my house? It's just not on. There's greed and then there's GREED!

We started back at band on 4th Jan as well. I played like a complete twat. It doesn't help that I've not played much since our CD recording (19th / 20th November) with being laid up, but I should have known better. Anyway, the test piece for the Area Finals (Journey to the Centre of the Earth) was on the stand for a lot of the night. We've got a fair bit to do to turn it into a winning performance, but it is possible. The band sounded like it had had two weeks off for Christmas. Still, I'm sure we will be in top form when we take the stage at Atherton on 15th Jan.
